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Hedmark county

Below you'll find
- a map showing the county and all of its municipalities,
- a table showing the population and size of each municipality.

As a basis for this map is used a .bmp-file in a program called HYPERNOR v. 1.0., distributed by Programvareklubben MCS, Pb. 3541, 7002 Trondheim, Norway. Some corrections and the adaptation to HTML has been done by Johan I. Borgos. (Please include this statement if you copy this page and use it on a website or on printed matters.)

The municipalities

Source: Statistisk sentralbyrå
Municipality Pop. 1990 Pop. 2000 Km2/miles2
0402 Kongsvinger 17 480 17 349 1 038/401
0403 Hamar 25 356 26 545 351/136
0412 Ringsaker 30 956 31 622 1 280/494
0415 Løten 7 067 7 188 370/143
0417 Stange 17 611 17 928 725/280
0418 Nord-Odal 5 335 5 089 508/196
0419 Sør-Odal 7 378 7 349 517/200
0420 Eidskog 6 470 6 409 641/248
0423 Grue 5 881 5 442 839/324
0425 Åsnes 8 528 8 112 1 041/402
0426 Våler 4 372 4 063 705/272
0427 Elverum 17 332 18 046 1 229/475
0428 Trysil 7 330 7 069 3 016/1 164
0429 Åmot 4 458 4 379 1 339/517
0430 Stor-Elvdal 3 371 3 012 2 167/837
0432 Rendalen 2 499 2 257 3 178/1 227
0434 Engerdal 1 721 1 580 2 195/847
0436 Tolga 1 898 1 812 1 122/433
0437 Tynset 5 356 5 473 1 870/722
0438 Alvdal 2 434 2 417 944/364
0439 Folldal 2 022 1 814 1 275/492
0441 Os 2 029 2 148 1 039/401

Up to the map!
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