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Buskerud county

Below you'll find
- a map showing the county and all of its municipalities,
- a table showing the population and size of each municipality.

As a basis for this map is used a .bmp-file in a program called HYPERNOR v. 1.0., distributed by Programvareklubben MCS, Pb. 3541, 7002 Trondheim, Norway. Some corrections and the adaptation to HTML has been done by Johan I. Borgos. (Please include this statement if you copy this page and use it on a website or on printed matters.)

The municipalities

Source: Statistisk sentralbyrå
Municipality Pop. 1990 Pop. 2000 Km2/miles2
0602 Drammen 51 978 54 816 138/53
0604 Kongsberg 21 179 22 293 793/306
0605 Ringerike 27 275 27 917 1 553/600
0612 Hole 4 485 4 977 195/75
0615 Flå 1 198 1 102 705/272
0616 Nes 3 410 3 528 810313
0617 Gol 4 232 4 390 533/206
0618 Hemsedal 1 609 1 958 753/291
0619 Ål 4 898 4 789 1 172/453
0620 Hol 4 726 4 642 1 868/721
0621 Sigdal 3 742 3 556 842/325
0622 Krødsherad 2 387 2 254 375/145
0623 Modum 12 262 12 366 517/200
0624 Øvre Eiker 14 695 15 058 458/177
0625 Nedre Eiker 18 797 20 502 120/46
0626 Lier 18 780 21 308 303/117
0627 Røyken 14 246 16 245 112/43
0628 Hurum 7 962 8 363 163/63
0631 Flesberg 2 552 2 491 562/217
0632 Rollag 1 455 1 492 450/174
0633 Nore og Uvdal 2 903 2 764 2 508/968

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