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Hunderfossen Familiepark like nord for Lillehammer er i stor grad bygd opp rundt skikkelser, dyr og hendinger fra norske eventyr, og kaller seg en 'eventyrpark'. Den viser også fram en del moderne teknologihistorie. Kanskje var det sola og varmen, kanskje blei det for mye 'stå/sitt og se på', vi dro i hvert fall videre etter ei stund.

[Hunderfossen Familiepark a few miles north of Lillehammer is more or less built up around figures, animals and stories from Norwegian fairy tales, and calls itself 'a fairy tale park'. It also shows some modern technology history. Perhaps it was the sun and the heat, perhaps there were too much 'stand/sit and look at' - anyway, we continued our trip after a while.]

Hanne og Camilla trekker Johan mot trollet og inngangen til eventyrgrotta.
[Hanne and Camilla are towing Johan to the troll and the entry of the fairy tale cave.]
Ikke en karusell, men et utkikkstårn. Stolene brukes til å heise opp tilskuere.
[Not a carousel, but a watch tower. The seats are for lifting people up to the top.]
Gullgraving er populært. Her prøver Hanne lykka.
[Gold mining is popular. Here Hanne tries her luck.]
Camilla (i midten) ville ikke være dårligere.
[Camilla (in the middle) didn't want to find less.]
I et eventyrland er det sjølsagt et eventyrslott.
[In a fairy land there is of course a fairy tale castle.]
Energihuset viser fram et moderne teknologisk eventyr.
[The Energy House shows a 'technology fairy tale'.]
Hanne har funnet en bananbil, Camilla leiter fortsatt.
[Hanne has found a banana car, Camilla is still searching for one.]
Marianne (til venstre), Camilla (bak setet), Hanne og Stine på rafting.
[Marianne (far left), Camilla (behind the seat), Hanne and Stine go rafting.]

Camilla fikk et stor opplevelse i parken. Hun blei plukka til å delta i et teaterstykke, 'Eventyr i manesjen', og den oppgaven klarte hun flott. Nedenfor ser du to bildeserier som viser henne på scenen (med rød paraply).

[Camilla got a glorious adventure in the park. She was picked to participate in a theatre play, and she played her role very well. Below you can see two photo strips showing her on the stage (with red umbrella).

Og så tar skuespillerne imot applausen med Camilla i midten.

[And then the actors can receive the ovation, with Camilla in center.]